[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”LEVEL 2 – PIVERDIE FRANCE DIPLOMA IN FLORAL ART” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center” google_fonts=”font_family:Simonetta%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C900%2C900italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
PFD Level 2 Diploma course enhances the fundamental knowledge of French floral design, and introduces new ones: styles, expressions, and techniques.
By applying techniques learnt from the PFD Level 1 Diploma course, and the new ones from this PFD Level 2 Diploma course, students now will have to start making use of their own imagination in creating the floral arrangements by knowing the nature of flowers, the combination of colours, to the structure and proportion of the composition.
This course will be more in depth about hands-on structural arrangements than the ones with standardised format.
Class A
1. French Cascade Bridal Bouquet (with floral foam)
2. French Golden Ratio Table Flower Arrangement with Grouping Technique
3. French Round Shape Structural Bouquet
4. French Table Flower Arrangement with Roman Technique
5. French Golden Ratio Bouquet (Linear Style)
6. French Table Flower Arrangement with Collage Technique
7. French Table Flower Arrangement with Parallel Technique (learning using different tools e.g. a drill for a floral composition)
8. French Bijou (Jewelry) Technique
Class B
1. French Table Flower Arrangement with Parallel & Weaving Technique
2. French Bridal Bouquet with Compound Technique
3. French Hollowed Round Shape Structural Bouquet
4. French Cascade Table Flower Arrangement with Collage Technique
5. French Table Flower Arrangement with Fluid Technique
6. French Structural Table Flower Arrangement with Threading Technique
7. French Horizontal Bouquet
8. Golden Ratio Floral Wreath with Grouping Technique
Class C
1. French Table Flower Arrangement with Mosaic Technique
2. Golden Ratio Bouquet with Grouping Technique
3. French Table Flower Arrangement with Parallel and Leaves Wrapping Technique
4. French Structural Bridal Bouquet with Collage Technique
5. French Horizontal Vase Flower Arrangement Parallel and CollageTechnique
6. French Structural Table Flower Arrangement with Visible Technique
7. French Hollowed Structural Table Flower Arrangement with Parallel Technique
8. Egyptian Bouquet
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Available Courses” google_fonts=”font_family:Simonetta%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C900%2C900italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Weekend
PIVERDIE Level 2 (A) Weekend – MORE
PIVERDIE Level 2 (A) Weekday – MORE